Brand Identity#

Carpentries Brand Colours#

Main Brand Colours#

Black: #383838 or rgb(56, 56, 56).

Midnight: #001483 or rgb(0, 20, 131,).

Fire: #FF4955 or rgb(255, 73, 85).

Golden: #FFC700 or rgb(255, 199, 0).

Buttercup: #FFF7F1 or rgb(255, 247, 241).

Secondary General Carpentries Colours and Shades#

General Carpentries: #081457 or rgb(8, 20, 87).

General Carpentries (Light): #E3E6FC or rgb(227, 230, 252).

General Carpentries: #205959 or rgb(32, 89, 89).

General Carpentries (Light): #40AEAD or rgb(64, 174, 173).

General Carpentries: #201434 or rgb(32, 20, 52).

General Carpentries (Light): #D2BDF2 or rgb(210, 189, 242).

General Carpentries: #A4050E or rgb(164, 5, 14).

General Carpentries (Light): #F99697 or rgb(249, 150, 151).

Supplementary Colours and Shades#

Lake: #0044d7 or rgb(0, 68, 215).

Pond: #719eff or rgb(113, 158, 255).

Sky: #E6F1FF or rgb(230, 241, 255).

Dew: #F5F8FF or rgb(245, 248, 255).

Fog: #E6EAF0 or rgb(230, 234, 240).

Mist: #E6EEF8 or rgb(230, 238, 248).

Sunrise: #FC757E or rgb(252, 117, 126).

Dawn: #FFD6D8 or rgb(255, 214, 216).

Sunshine: #FFE7A8 or rgb(255, 231, 168).

Carpentries Fonts#

The font used in the headers on the website is Lato. The font used in the body of the website is Roboto.